Hi Everyone,
After a long hiatus and many years I am finally able to return to the knife`s Edge and continue my blog! For those of you who have been faithfully checking for new updates I would like to say thanks and to everyone else thanks for coming back.
It has been a busy couple of years, I have sculpted for many different companies, the bulk of my work has been for Wyrd miniatures, and recently I have picked up many new clients, including Maelstrom Games and their exciting Banelords miniature range and many others that you will see in the coming months. I also had the opportunity to travel to Games Workshop for a job interview, which was a great experience for me. As I go, I will be showcasing a lot of the work I have been doing and talking about some of the exciting things that will be happening in the near future.
I have had a lot of ideas over my absence about what to post up here and one of the biggest things I regretted is not being able to finish the figure I was going to do for Florian Schulz, the winner of my "get yourself sculpted contest" I did on here before life got hectic and I had to put the blog on hold.
Another long time desire was to post a running WIP view of a miniature from commission to completion, complete with commentaries at each stage for you to get an insider’s view on what actually goes into sculpting a miniature.
So to get things going again I decided it would be a good idea to combine both of these goals into one. Sculpt the figure for Florian and document the process and post the work in progress up for you as I go. I will be getting the figure molded after so we will also get a look at the production process.
So over the next month or so stay tuned as I sculpt Florian's blood Bowl figure, I will go through the design process from start to finish and you will get to see the work in progress shots throughout.
Here is a sneak peek at Florian in all his glory, dressed as his favorite blood bowl champion, Florian won the contest by popular vote and his costume was great, this is what the figure will look like in the end.